Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A play written specifically to open on November 2, 2010.

There are few living playwrights as inspiring as Richard Nelson. Perhaps the only thing more charged and confrontational than his last play at the Public, Conversations in Tusculum, could be his new play at the Public, described below. Note that opening night is election day, no less. Richard Nelson will be guest faculty in the CMU dramatic writing program this December.

Written and Directed by Richard Nelson
October 26 – November 14
Press opening: November 2

“A year later, I gotta ask the supporters of all that: How's that hopey changey thing workin’ for ya?” —Sarah Palin, February 6, 2010.

Election day, November 2, 2010.  Uncle Benjamin’s dog has died and his nieces and nephew have gathered for dinner in Rhinebeck, New York, to surprise him with a new one.  As they anxiously wait for the polls to close, the Apple family discusses memory, manners, and politics. Richard Nelson (Conversations in Tusculum at The Public, James Joyce’s The Dead) returns to The Public with a timely new play that examines the state of the nation at this pivotal moment in our history.