Monday, October 18, 2010

Now available with a suggestive cover.

Aphrodisiac is now available from upstart young publishers Samuel French (founded 1830).

What’s the worst-case scenario? He’s hiding something terrible. He’s done something we never thought he was capable of. Truthfully, I wouldn’t have thought he was capable of having an affair. I would have thought he was too averse to risk.

Like Bill Clinton?

Maybe Dad didn’t see it as a risk. Maybe he saw it as part of the job. He’s a consummate professional.

Like Bill Clinton.

Best-case scenario. Benefit of the doubt. It was an innocent friendship. Here’s this young woman. She and her friend — what’s the friend’s name?


She and Trish are grad students in public administration. They go on what they call “political field trips” where they visit the offices of House members and have their photo taken with them. One day, they visit the representative from Ilona’s home town. Trish talks herself into an internship in the office, but Ilona, Ilona’s already interning at the Bureau of Prisons. But she and Dad get to be friends. They call each other often. Maybe there’s an element of flirtation, maybe not. Then she disappears. He is questioned. He tries, perhaps misguidedly, to protect her reputation, and as a result he is crucified in the media. Anything could have happened to that girl. She could have let herself get picked up by a serial killer in a bar. She went jogging alone at night. This is not a bright girl.

You don’t know that. She was an independent adult.

She was having an affair with a married womanizer congressman.

Have you never been involved in a stupid doomed self-destructive affair? Love, sex, whatever, makes you do stupid things. That doesn’t mean you’re stupid. That doesn’t mean you routinely put your life in danger.

May I answer the question? No, I’ve never been involved in a stupid affair.

Have you ever been involved in a smart affair?

Well, Alma, I’ve not been a perfect man.


(Pause. AVERY sips his beer.)

One thing you can say: now everyone in the 18th district knows who their congressman is.